Ash Thorne
(they/them il/eux)
Art means everything to me. Through my art, I reinforce my connections with myself, my spirituality, my community, and my family. Every form of art that I do and every medium I work with connects me to those fundamental pieces of myself.
My brain does not produce enough serotonin or dopamine. I have ADHD, plus I'm queer and non-binary, so I also have anxiety and depression that came as a side order. Even with medication my default experience of the world is discomfort. It is easy for me to see the struggles and pain that exist in the world and despair. Creating art, especially repetitive art like sacred geometry and knitting, is a meditative practice. It also makes me feel better to put something beautiful into the universe. The world is dark and often difficult. What one person is able to do can seem small and insignificant, but if I can make something beautiful, if I can keep someone's head warm with a hat or provide a focus for meditation, if I can make someone smile, or help them spot a moment of light in darkness, then my existence is worthwhile. That's all anyone can ask for: To make the world a little bit better than it was before.
Territorial Acknowldegement
I live on the traditional, unceded territory of the Lekwungen-speaking Peoples as well as the W'SAANICH People.
To live and create art on this land is a privilege. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world. As a settler, I am aware of the harm my ancestors caused to the First Peoples of Turtle Island and recognize that I continue to benefit from institutionalized racism.
As part of Truth and Reconcilliation, I resolve to continue to learn about Coast Salish art and stories.
I resolve to learn about the land I live on and to do what I can to restore and maintain the Gary Oak Ecosystem.
I resolve to listen before I speak.
I resolve to continue to educate European-Canadians and other settlers about the cultural genocide of the First Peoples of Canada and do my best to instill the hope and responsibility that comes with Seven Generation Thinking.
I will make mistakes and I will apologize and I will learn to do better.